Let’s Study John Together
I don't know about you but studying the Bible has always been one of hardest things. I don't even know why honestly. Maybe because I always told myself and heard others preach saying " YOU HAVE TO READ YOUR BIBLE' So fleshly me is like "NOPE, YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" lol. Then also a part of me is like I don't understand it half the time. I have struggled for years and years. But over the past several months I have been trying to look at it differently. I always put so much pressure on myself to be perfect and make reading the Bible perfect... well guess what we don't have to be perfect. (Had an amazing friend point all this out to me recently). Especially when reading the Bible, I feel God just wants us to love Him and try our best. So that's what I have been doing. Giving myself a chance to NOT be perfect. I write down questions, what a verse or chapter means to me, and even my opinion how I took it. I also love highlighting and underlining words, sentences that jump out to me. If I don't quite understand a chapter, I try reading in a different version. My absolute all-time favorite is the passion translation or the message! It’s just so real and to the point! I love to the point kind of stuff.
I just finished John chapter three and here is what stood out to me. Of course, the famous John 3:16 pointed out to me, but I honestly never truly truly studied it. When I read it was like a new light bulb came to my mind. I never read past that one verse. So, if you keep reading in verse 19 it talks about how the light (Jesus) came to the world to expose the darkness of the world ... Light EXPOSES things that are hiding in the dark! Which I took as when I ask Jesus in my heart and choose to follow Him... he EXPOSES my sins and things that I need to let go of! The more I have Jesus and surrender to the light it EXPOSES things that are hidden deep down. That truly overwhelmed my heart and soul when I read that. I always read the "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, who believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life" Which ALL that is extremely important and deep in itself ... but I always just stopped there and never read on to the other parts of the chapter that is so important as well.
One of my top prayers now for the Lord is for Him to not only shine so bright through me but also that He lights up my WHOLE heart, so I don't have any darkness or sadness hiding in the shadows of my heart. Like depression, anxiety, being judgmental in any kind of way, bitterness, anything and everything that is dark. I pray God EXPOSES it so HE can shine even brighter in me and use me :)
In verse 30 it says " He must increase but I must decrease" well I have heard that preached and preached. But it was like when I read it again. It just became so clear to me. Another prayer I'm praying is that I hope he increases so much in me that I become completely like Him <3
I don't want Bre or Life with BK to increase, I want HIM to increase through me and these tools:)
Thank you for taking your time to study with me today! My goal is to keep posting about my bible studies. They are not perfect by no means and that's okay. If you have struggled with reading your word like I have. I hope and pray this helps in some way. I would love feedback. What is your take aways from John 3? What is your favorite go to study items? What is your favorite book of the Bible, and what are some of your favorite ways to study God's word? If you get a chance please subscribe, comment, or even email me. I would love to hear from you! I hope and pray this has been a blessing to you in some way :)