Doing things SCARED!
My 1st blog post ever coming at you in 3...2...1.....
Oh, my goodness!! The fear and the anxiety have just been coming at me from all sides! I have just kept putting it off and off... telling myself I'm not good enough, I'm crazy, no one will read your posts. SO SO much fear!! BUT then I reminded myself WHY I am even doing this blog! Back at the beginning of the year I had it on heart to start a blog. I even felt God tell many times. I just wrote it all off as I'm dreaming this and I'm not good enough to write a blog. I am not good with spelling, I struggle with English sometimes (a lot), I also am not good with computers!! (haha) I literally told God you are crazy for laying this on my heart.
So fast forward to several weeks ago ... God woke me in the middle of the night and clearly said "Breanne, start your blog"...I just wanted to run very far away...but even now as I type this, I feel in my heart it is what I needed to do. Ever since I said yes, a few weeks ago God has made several ways for this blog to come about.
One of the 1st things I asked is what should my blog even be about... I got 3 answers.
1st. Be extremely authentic and real with whoever reads this blog...
2nd. Shine soooo bright in all areas with Jesus's love that you feel it through the words you read, and my prayer is that peace washes over you each time you open to this website...
3rd. To be a safe place and a place of extreme encouragement!
I also chose Life with BK as my name because I want to share with you and hopefully you will walk with me along this journey of life with me as well. From being a dog mom, cleaning, cooking ideas, bible reading, music, and even the most difficult matters (being fearful, anxiety, depression), that even through all this God is with us. I want to share kindness, gratefulness, love, and so much more in my blog. Those are my goals.
So, I will be encouraging to you on this, if you feel like God is leading you to do something that is 1000000000 out of your comfort zone! Just jump and trust God will guide you! DO IT SCARED!!! I am so scared that all this is not going to be read. But you know what I told myself. Even if this blog helps just one person, or even if it helps just me then I am very proud and happy with myself. I obeyed God and honestly that is all that matters. I got out of my comfort zone and started something I have no earthly idea how to even do. I want to be a light to others. So that is what has been keeping me from NOT totally running.
Again, I say if you have a dream that is on the back burner or if God has laid something deeply on you heart you are running like I did. I encourage you to step out and do it! Even if you are so scared you want to puke! I just encourage you to believe in yourself! Do NOT let fear win! Have the faith that God will guide and help in the process. I feel in my heart he will. I always love the faith over fear saying. It really does give me peace. Sometimes I let fear overwhelm me and I know I cause it to allow me to miss opportunities to shine for the Lord. So please jump even if you are scared and do what the Lord has called you to do! :)