Bible Study #2
So, first off I want to say God is so good! I am amazed that He loves me and desires to be close in a relationship with Him. It literally blows my mind! John 4 is so, so, so good! Now,remember these are my thoughts and takeaways of John 4. You may not agree with me or think I am crazy and that is okay. I truly feel like God just loves that we are spending time with Him, and the time spent does not have to be perfect. Give yourself grace as you study God's word! That is what I have been doing here lately and it has wrecked me. I am a HUGE over-thinker, so when reading the word. I try to over analyze it. This has honestly left me mad and angry. This has always casued me to push away from reading my bible. I now try to give myself grace, lots and lots of GRACE! (haha).
I feel like God does not want us to think the Bible is this big, bad overwhelming book with a big, huge test at the end and if you fail, he will disown you. Nope, He isn't like that!! (Trust me I have thought those exact thoughts) I honestly feel like it brings Him joy that we are taking time to be close to Him, by reading his word. In John 1 it says "the word IS God".... which that alone blew my mind! So, the more we get in his word then the more we become like God and get a deeper understanding of what is written! Go God!
Okay,now for some highlights of chapter 4 that stood out to me. I LOVE the beginning of chapter 4. It is about the famous Samaritan woman getting water from the well and Jesus asks her for water. Which first off is completely FORBIDDEN. In that day and age Jews were not to speak to a Samaritan and especially not a Samaritan woman. What blows my mind is that God does NOT care about your race, color, what you have done, said, or where you come from. He DOES NOT CARE! You are IMPORTANT to Him! We are IMPORTANT TO HIM! Not only was this woman a Samaritan, but she also was living with a man who wasn't her husband. She had also had five husbands already before this guy, but what is cool is Jesus still cared for her and showed her that she was IMPORTANT! I can see it now in my head. A woman who comes in the heat of day because she is negatively talked about in the town she lives. She probably felt a lot of shame, loneliness, anger towards herself and others which created feelings of being worthless. But, Jesus made her feel love and worth! He made her feel important. I feel like that is such a powerful moment. I love how Jesus comes to us and He meets us where we are. No matter what we come from or who we are. Jesus loves and He wants to show us how worthy and amazing we are. :)
Fast forward to verse 39. Because of the encounter she experienced with Jesus; she was overwhelmed with so much joy she began to share with EVERYONE in her town what took place at the well. Then they started to believe in Jesus... it was a like a domino effect... Another reason why I started this blog is that if I can shine bright with joy because of all that He has brought me through in hopes that it touches someone and then their joy touches someone. I feel like that is worth this blog and the fear I had to conquer to make it happen. It is all worth it. :)
Thank you so much for taking time to read my takeways from John 4. I would love to hear your thoughts on this amazing chapter! Please feel free to comment or even private message me! I want this to be fun and engaging! Have a very blessed day today!