This blog post is brought to you by yesterday's bible study and my favorite sweatshirt! :)

I was reading in John chapter four about Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. A little back story to catch you up to speed. In Jesus's time it was forbidden for a Jew to speak to a Samaritan and especially a Samaritan woman! This lady also did not have a great history and was talked badly about in her town, no one liked her, and they thought she was horrible. In the story she comes to a well to get water in the heat of the day, so she didn't have to run into her neighbors.

In the story I can just picture her coming to the well maybe feeling tired, sad, weary, condemned, unworthy, lonely, and possibly shameful. Yet when she came face to face with Jesus, He did not judge her and her actions like those in her town did. He did the complete opposite and made her feel loved and important. He did not agree with the sin but that did NOT stop Him from still loving her and making her feel worthy. If I am being real with you guys. I have heard this story a thousand of times, yet when I was reading God opened my eyes even more. He has made this story touch my heart in such a deep way.

A few years ago, I got extremely angry with some life circumstances. So much that I put a huge wall up with God, my husband, family, and my close friends. I became so bitter and so angry. I cussed God out so many times and yelled at Him. I allowed my mind to become a very dark place. I hope to talk more about what I delt with and how I overcame it in a later post. I did become very depressed which led to some other not cool situations. Even though I was very rude with God during that time, he did not think less of me once! He still met me in that dark, very lonely place my mind was in. He never made me feel less important, or that I had to beg Him for forgiveness and love. Like with this beautiful Samaritan woman, He met her in her dark time and showed her love. I want to cry just thinking about it. :)

During that time and if I am being completely honest with you guys’ even times now, I struggle with feeling enough and if I am worthy of God's love. I still struggle with fear and anxiety. I still struggle with trusting God in the hard times. I struggle with having faith at times. I over-think a lot. Which leads me to doubt a lot. But even through all these struggles God still loves me! He still thinks I am amazing! He still thinks I am enough and worthy!

I want to be an encouragement to you right now. If you are going through these things, I want you to know that God loves you so very much! And, that you my sweet friend are enough! No matter what you have done, do, or even face in the future. If you sin, have doubts, or even lose faith at times, God does not think less of you. He is willing to meet you where you are in your dark moment and just hold you and fill you with peace and strength.

As this entry comes to an end, always remember you are ENOUGH, you are WORTHY, you are CHOSEN, you are KNOWN, and most importantly, you are NOT alone! Forever and always by Jesus you are loved! Who was beaten so much you couldn't even recognize Him, who people called names, and did so many horrible things too. He died for us and our sins, and then rose three days later! He knew even thousands and thousands of years ago that you were/are worth it! :)

I hope and pray that this touches you in some way! I hope you have a very beautiful day today!


Grow with Grace


Bible Study #2