BEE The Moment!
Hello Friends! I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!
I am just going to jump right in on today’s topic! We just got back from an amazing, fantastic, MEGA anointed Church Camp a few weeks ago! It was such a blessing in many ways! Watching students of all ages get freedom, healing (emotionally and physically), and a new love for the Lord is extremely inspiring. I got a renewal in so many ways as well. The scripture that keeps stirring up in me is one that many people know. It is used ALL the time, but for some reason, God has brought it to light in a whole new way for me. I cannot wait to share.
The scripture that is on my heart is… “Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created for … Esther 4:14
This scripture may be used a lot, but it is one of my favorites. I have had a new stirring in my heart for what it means to me though. A few years ago, I battled with deep dark depression. I hated myself, I thought others would be better off without me, my mind was a legit battlefield, I was so miserable. I will never in a million years forget that feeling. I am so grateful for my freedom of it. I refuse to go back to that dark feeling. Now is it a daily struggle.. yes. I mean some days are better. But I constantly keep myself in check and make sure my spirit remains full and is and ready to battle my flesh. During that time I had only been married a year, so I took it out on my hubby, (thank God for a mighty man of God who is full of LOVE and PATIENCE),
We were also in ministry at the time. I also felt so alone and scared during this time. I know there were many days I could have reached out during that time. I honestly tried to hide it and deal with it myself. Which is NOT the healthy thing to do. If you so happen to be dealing with anything like this, First I pray that the holy spirit touches you right now and I declare a mighty peace over you right now in the name of Jesus. Second, I encourage you to reach out to a trusted source! You do NOT have to be alone. No matter what your mind is telling you. YOU ARE SO WORTHY! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! <3
After I got my freedom which has been about 3 ish years now. I have still secretly held back. I did not realize this till camp. I was still holding on to some fear to fully be free in my calling/ministry. It was during ministry, moving, being newly married, and lots of change! So deep down I was holding back because in my brain I associated the fear of going back to that time to ministry and change. I also did not feel worthy anymore to sing, pray for others, or do kids' worship. I felt like I failed God and since I went through all those challenges I felt I wasn’t worthy anymore. Well, guess what friends! THAT WAS THE BIGGEST LIE FROM THE ENEMY!!! Your girl is WORTHY, and your girl is NOT a failure! Life happens.. sometimes good and sometimes bad. It's what we choose to do with those things going forward. We can either hold on to the past or we can rise and take those things and learn from it, and help be a light to others who are either going through what you did or you can be a light to help stop it from happening in someone’s life. “PERHAPS THIS IS THE MOMENT FOR WHICH YOU WERE CREATED FOR!”.
“Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created for”- Esther 4:14
We can either hold on to the past and those fears that come from it... or you can rise up and say “No more Fear”.. I will not let you LIMIT me any longer! Share your story! You never know who you may touch:)
Your story, your testimony, all the things the Lord has done. Let it all out. I don’t know why I entered such a dark time and held on for so long. But guess what? God is using what the enemy meant for evil for HIS glory! The enemy tried to destroy me, but God said NOPE, That’s my girl! You leave her alone. I have mighty plans for her!
At camp I got to pray for many beautiful young ladies. I got to share my testimony with many who were going through similar situations. I sympathize with them because I had lived it. The dark thoughts they were thinking, I had them, the darkness that surrounded them and it feels like it was swallowing them up, I lived it, I got to be a walking testimony to them. I got to pray and be there when they got their freedom. Let me tell y’all. It was the best moment ever. Even though going through that dark time was the hardest thing in the world. I wouldn’t go back in time to change it. I know that is crazy to say but because the enemy tries his hardest to get me out. God is using it for His glory! God is using that hard time in my life to show others that there is hope!
So, as I close, I want to encourage you to not hold on to the past. Don't let whatever happened dictate your future. Whatever the situation is let it go and let GOD. If it is fear of whatever comes back, fear of past feelings, or even holding back because your brain is associating past things with present or future things. Let it go. Let whatever you dealt with be "Your Moment'. Be a light to others around you. Love them, pray for them, and let that moment for which you were created change lives. Don't let fear win, stand firm like Esther did. Be brave like Esther. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. You never know who or what will be changed just by telling your testimony/ “YOUR MOMENT” !
Bee Blessed Friends!