BEE the Reason..

Hello friends!

I hope all is going well this week! Speaking blessing upon blessing over yall this week! It has been a bit since my last post. I still get so nervous when God lays topics on my heart, I always doubt if I am hearing correctly. But thankfully Jesus still has my back even when I doubt (insert praise hands..haha).

Something that has been on my heart for this blog post is words … I saw a quote a few months ago saying “Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of God’. That has been something I strive for daily. I never want to cause someone pain or cause negativity. I will admit years ago back in high school and college I dealt with being negative and gossiping. It hurt some people close to me and it broke my heart. Once my eyes were open to what I had done. I immediately went to the Lord and asked for forgiveness and for help from Him moving forward. I always try so hard to be careful with my words and watch my tongue.

I never want to be a person who follows Jesus to be known for causing others hurt. So now I try my absolute best to be caring, and kind, and keep that mouth zipped!! So as yall continue to read my testimony on gossip/negative words and how I try my extreme best to be positive and encouraging, I hope and pray it touches you and that my experience can help you in some special way. I pray the holy spirit highlights and speaks to your soul today. Thank you for trusting me and for yalls support! It means the world to me! <3

Alrighty, let's get to the good stuff…. In … 1…2…3…

Have you ever said something to someone about someone and it got back to that person and it hurt them? Sadly, I am guilty of this.. (shaking my head in shame over here)

Have you ever been with a group of friends that always gossiped and were not the most positive influences? Or just in general immediately started speaking negatively to someone about “said situation” …Sadly, I am over here raising my hand again!


Have you dealt with these things and turned your life around because you surrendered it to God? Thankfully, I am jumping up and down over here because I saw that sin and gave that to Jesus to be washed clean by his blood!

Have you ever been so In love with Jesus that you can’t BUT speak positively about a “said situation” with someone, and have positive thoughts about things? Thankfully I am over here jumping up and down again!!

So grateful for His love, His mercy, and His grace! My biggest goal with my blog is to be one hundred percent real and honest with you guys. This isn’t something I am proud to share because it is embarrassing and breaks my heart when I think about my past actions. But if it can be an encouragement to at least one person and they know that it is going to be okay, and they can be just as forgiven by Jesus like He did with me. Then I will share it on live tv if I have to.

One of my biggest goals in life is to be like Jesus, love like Jesus, and have mercy and grace like Jesus. To Be slow to speak and slow to anger. Be positive and not negative. To not be drama. Now I am not perfect by no means. I am a human, WE are humans. We are messy and imperfect. BUT that is why we go to Jesus who is perfect in every way. He even lived as a human, I bet those disciples gossiped and were negative now and again. Yet Jesus did not give in and gossip back with them. I could see Him gently (like He did with me those many years ago) correct them and be like “okay guys, that’s not nice, that is not showing My love or My goodness. Let’s change the subject. “ I can just see that playing out in my brain.

I will never forget years ago in college and some in high school. I had issues with gossip, but I did not realize what I did until I hurt a few close friends. Then my eyes were open. I did not want to be known as a girl who gossips and hurts people close to me. So I apologized to them and Jesus and asked for forgiveness. From then on out I have tried my extreme best to hold my tongue. I also try and recognize when I start to stray that way to get back on track. Our tongues hold so much power; It holds life and death as it says in Proverbs 18:21. Words can either hurt or show love.

I surely do not want to cause others pain and when I did those many years ago. I truly felt so extremely terrible because I hurt my friends. Again I honestly did not mean too. But I still did it and allowed those words to flow from my mouth. From then on out. I try to be careful and be the reason to show the goodness of God. When I allowed gossip to flow through me, I hurt people and that did not show God’s love or His goodness. These people knew I put God first and called myself a Christian. I was blinded by that sin and once a few things happened. My blinders were taken off and God spoke to me and corrected me, and He said “Bre, your words caused doubt in Me, not My love. You need to be careful with your words”. Knowing my words cause doubt in God wrecked me. I asked for forgiveness and prayed and still pray that my words and my actions would show His goodness and not cause doubt in Him.

Ever since then many years ago, I always pray for Jesus to help me speak good things and to help me watch my words. I try hard to be positive and encouraging. I try hard to be careful about who I speak with, watch my words, and who is in my circle.

Let’s be real for a minute … if we hang with a bunch of people who gossip then it is eventually going to rub off on us and then we start saying things, the next thing we know that gets spoken to another person, they get upset because we said who knows what just to fit in with the group or get attention.

Then they are hurt and upset which creates drama llama situations. I encourage you to watch the people who you surround yourself with and just pray God helps with your words that are spoken.

We honestly never know what someone is going through in life. We never know if the words someone said negatively about a person is real or not, so I try my best to not judge the minute I see a person because we simply just DO NOT KNOW.

I encourage you to show others the reason people see the goodness of God, that people see His love and His Light through you. I know how it feels to get caught up in gossip and negative words. I also have been on the other end of gossip it is not fun to hear things about you either.

As I bring this blog post to a close , I want to first say thank you for reading my testimony on negative words/ gossip. I know that it is not a popular subject. I was hesitant to share my struggles on here. But I am glad I did. Again please know that I am not perfect. There are still times when past issues will flare up. I am just here to be real and authentic with you guys. I want you guys to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that Jesus still loves you and cares for you.

Before we say good bye , I want to share a prayer with you guys that I personally pray everyday to ask God to help me “Be the reason why someone sees the goodness of God”… it goes like this..

“Dear Jesus, thank you for this beautiful day that you have created. I am so thankful for everything you have done and still continue to do for me. I ask Lord that you help me to shine very bright for you today. Please guard my tongue today , guard my heart , help me to speak life and not death. Give me wisdom today and grace as well. I ask you to go before me and shine so bright through me that it affects everyone around me. That it stops them in their tracks and makes them think"Why is she so different?, I want that different". Give them courage to ask me why and me the boldness and wisdom to say its simply because I have you in my heart. Thank you again Jesus for everything! I ask for all this in your name Jesus, love you very much! In Jesus name.. AMEN! :)

I hope and pray this blog post has brought positive and encouragement to you today! Thank you so much for yalls support! It means the world to me! I am forever grateful!! Sending love and hugs! Let us ‘BEE the Reason” today! :)

BEE Blessed Friends!!



BEE The Moment!


Let us BEE Love!