Day By Day
“Day by Day”, “I am just taking it Day by Day”, or “Just living day by day, week by week”. I know we have heard these sayings a thousand times. I personally have even said these phrases a thousand times too! But it wasn’t till recently that I realized I was being negative about it. I thought to myself “why do I keep saying this as if I have nothing to live for?” When I fact I have EVERYTHING to live for. God brought this verse to mind... Proverbs 27:1 “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth”. That got me thinking about how I want to be more intentional about my days. I am so bad about being negative at times and being like well there is always tomorrow… I will do better tomorrow… But that isn’t true. We don’t even know if there will be a tomorrow.
So slowly in the past few weeks I asked God... How can live day by day for you? How can I be more intentional and not negative. I also want to set myself up for success and not for failure. I know life gets us down and we are literally making it day by day at times, but what if we shifted that mindset for a moment? What if we lived each day as it was our last? What would you do differently? Would you be angry at Sally Sue still? Would you make more time for your spouse or kids? Would you set your worries to the side? Would you ask God to take away the anxiety and depression, so you wouldn’t have to live one more day with it? How would you live that day to the utmost fullest? Trust me when I say I am preaching to myself right now. It is so hard to see the good in such a negative evil world. Sometimes it’s so hard to get out of a selfish mindset of me me me. Or my “I can’t attitude”, or my fearful attitude.
I found that I can try my absolute best. I can give it daily to the Lord. Again, it is so hard to do at times. I never want you to think that I still don’t deal with those things because we are all human. I have been trying my best to give it to Jesus and many times try my best to use my personal coping skills.
I wrote an eBook recently on “How I Overcome Emotional Battles”. Someone asked if it was how I overcame anxiety and depression. Nope that is not what it is about at all. It is how I overcome it when those thoughts are pressed on me. I listed my favorite go to scriptures and things I use to cope in those moments. Like breathing several times to calm myself, writing all my thoughts out, praying and listening to worship music as loud as possible
We have twenty- four hours. TWENTY-FOUR hours in everyday… I once looked up my phone usage and man oh man was it embarrassing. Like 8 plus hours at times. That made me so sick inside. I was soooooo convicted too. Like here I am spending hours on social media and only giving Jesus like 30 min and my husband a few hours. Then I started thinking... what if I put forth an hour of writing on my blog helping others vs spending that time on wasted reels getting mad because my life isn’t perfect like theirs?
That’s when I felt in my heart... it was time. It was time to live Day by day but in a positive and intentional way. So that is where I am at personally in my life. Is it perfect, once again nope. But I am trying. I got a new planner to help me with time management. I am currently working on trying to get up early. That my dear friends has been very hard. I’m Not going to lie (haha). But again, I am trying . I also have been trying to set myself a morning routine and nighttime routine. (I will share that on a blog soon). I have also been trying my best to not get caught up in reels. When I find myself getting wrapped up. I will shut my phone off and make myself shift into either cleaning, reading , ect. Just anything besides my phone. I do not want to get caught up in the negatives of life, but to live day by day shining bright for Jesus, helping others, being an encouragement, and loving others. Vs the opposite when you get a “Karen” who is angry and bitter all the time.
I hope and pray this is a light to you too. It is something I am personally working on right now as you read this, and I type. In James 4:14 it says “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What Is your life? For you are mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” That hit me on a whole other level. It is so true though. We are here on this earth for a purpose and God has a plan for each and every one of us. At any time, we could be gone. If Jesus took me right now and asked me “Bre how did you live your days? I would honestly say “I could have done better... I could have trusted you better.” But I would love to say “I was intentional with the life you gave me. I tried my best to love and honor people. I tried to be a light. I lived my life to the utmost fullest Day by Day.
This reminds me of Job… his life went from perfect to the h word in minutes. Yet even in his pain, even in his suffering and loss. He lived for the Lord and lived his days to the fullest. God blessed him for that as well. Same with Jesus. He lived like a human for 33 years all-knowing that he would have to make the biggest sacrifice for me and you. He did not live day by day fretting, or even trying to do things to block out his suffering he knew he would have to go through. He lived day by day, minute by minute, loving God, loving others, having fun, and helping others. He had time for His Father. He made the best of what was to come. He is the biggest inspiration of all. I am forever thankful to Him for what He did for me and you.
So, I encourage both you and me. Let’s live Day by Day with intention and love! <3
Bee Blessed Friends,