Lets BEE who God created us to be!

Hello Friends! It has been a bit since I have written! It is so easy to let life get away from you. To procrastinate, to push the hard things away, and even just get caught up in us. I have been guilty of this for the past several months. I am very bad when it comes to letting fear just hold me tight and not trusting God. Especially when it comes to being who He has called me to be and doing the hard things He has called me to do. I am the world's worse procrastinator (insert facepalm). But thankfully I have been working on it! I am a work in progress that’s for sure! (Haha)

I have been praying so much about what to write and how to go forward with my blogs. This month the Lord has laid on my heart "Identity". Even at the age of 28 I still struggle with knowing who I am at times. I compare myself so much to the people I see on social media or even just people in general in my life. I think "wow, I want to have perfect makeup like them", or "Wow, they have so much money, I wish I could have that much money", or even "Wow, they have their life so put together, they are perfect". I still think those things even though I am 2 years from 30.

I even think back on all my mistakes and how I wish I made different choices. At times I feel so stuck, that I am like what is the point of life? I let so much go through my mind that I don't think about how every little decision I have made God already knew it was going to happen. God knows what my future holds and that I am, and I will never be a mistake. Even if I do think it. One of my favorite Bible verses is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I love that so much. I tend to make God and life so complicated, but all He wants is for us to trust Him, in everything. To believe in Him, to have faith that He will NOT fail us. That He loves us and all He wants is for us to love Him in return.

My biggest heart’s desire right now is to fall so deeply in love with Christ so I can become like Him even more. Even in my fears and unknowns. That is something I am working towards and I pray that if it is something on your heart as well that you won't hold back either. Life is so complicated that I fully believe that I make my relationship with God complicated. Have you done that?

I get so lost in my world that I become selfish, bitter, and angry. But I believe that is because this world is so dark. When I focus on myself or others (social media “biggest weakness”) I tend to let my character and my identity shatter like broken glass. Yet God still cares for us in that brokenness. When I surrender to Him completely, He puts me back together gently. Not in anger because I didn't trust Him for the millionth time...but in Love!

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control. I pray that daily I can walk in that fruit and be who God has created me to be. That even in this dark world, even when it is so easy to fall into my depression, anxiety, bitterness, and even think I am so unworthy ... that through Him and only Him that I can stand strong and look all of that in the face with PEACE, CONFIDENCE, and STRENGTH. Knowing that I am a Princess of the highest God, that I am royalty.... that I am so much more than what the world says I am!

I pray that this touches you in some way. Please know that God loves you and when you feel so alone in the darkness that there is hope. Know you are worthy, beautiful, and enough! No matter what you have done. That God fights and continues to fight for his beautiful, amazing daughter or son. Remember that our Identity is through Christ and not through this ugly world that tries to bring us down, as well as social media (again my biggest weakness). But we get our Identity through the one who makes all things NEW and BEAUTIFUL. He creates beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3). That is my prayer for this new year for you and me.


Let us BEE Love!


Grow with Grace